Children – the world’s largest Unreached People Group

Did you know that eight out of ten children in the world have never heard of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? In Tanzania alone, there are nearly 30 million children under the age of 14 years old. Such a challenge is certainly huge. But we can do our part, if we work together.

The GNN local team we have trained in Tanzania, has since 2021 held 22 regional Sunday school seminars to 2,800 participants consisting of local pastors, bishops and Sunday school teachers. To them our team arranged the first level training.

After realizing the value of a child, they have gained a new perspective at work. Children’s ministry has multiplied and even new churches have been born. However, the second level was unfinished due to limited funds. In addition, a useful teacher’s guide book was missing.

Now, an improvement is planned for it from the beginning of 2025:

I have just agreed that 3,000 Mwanga (Light in English) – book edition in Swahili language will be printed in Tanzania. It will be distributed to all who attended the first level course. Therefore, we plan to fly end March to Arusha, which is located near Kilimanjaro.

Here is the plan: Key persons from each course will come to Arusha. There they will receive a number of books along with them to distribute for those who already participated our regional seminars.

Would you like to be part of this challenge? Funding is greatly needed and printing one book costs less than one euro. How many of those greatly needed books would you like to cover?