
Throughout the seminars, participants have raised a request to have concrete source materials for teaching. During their years in Kenya, the two missionaries, Mama Raili & Mama Mirjami, created practical Sunday school materials called Mwanga (Light) in Swahili.

A couple of years ago, based on an idea, I had video recorded these sisters’ teaching in Swahili. It proved to become enthusiastically received all over. After the Children’s ministry seminars held, child evangelism was awakened in churches. Starting at churches, they began reaching children even in the surrounding villages.

We plan to print the first 3 of this 6 book-series (the 1st tutorial and 2 workbooks). These will be a great help when preparing lessons. We are currently checking printing costs.

Would you support reaching Tanzanian children? Reference number: 3560


Here’s recent feedback from the course participants

“I thank the Lord for your coming. You have made us to realise the value of children. I learnt that a heart of a child is good soil to plant the seed while they are still young. I am going to plant in the hearts of the children while they are still young.”

Sis. Veronica (Elim-churches)


I have learnt a lot of things from this seminar. For quite a long time, we could not see the issue that the children need the Gospel, and they need salvation too. Our children have just been taught the laws, of how to behave. Many of the children we have had, have not been born-again. Now we want to take the Gospel to the children.

In this seminar, my understanding has been braoadened. I believe that the church will be full of believers. The children are the ones coming up. We have had many crusades and many preachers have come to preach the Word of God. Then, when the children put up their hands for salvation, they are taken behind. Only the older people were allowed to come. We find that we are not helping the children. At the end of it, the children just disappear. This has been a sad story. After listening to this teaching, we have seen that we have sinned against the children. Surely, we need to repent.”

Ap. Elia (Evangelical Church)


“I thank the Lord for the teachings we have received through GNN. Personally, they have changed my life. I did not value children before. Through the teaching, my attitude has changed. Now, I want to deal with them. I have used a lot of energy and resources to gather older people. I have realised if I invest that into children, the outcome will be so big. Even with Sunday school classes, I was not concerned at all, but now my perspective has changed. I want to have a crusade especially for the children.”

Georg Mambiro (FPTC-churches)

Prayer Topics for 2023

  • Training Uganda’s Christian ‘Joint Forces’
  • Follow-up training for the Tanzanian GNN team
  • Children’s ministry seminars in northern Tanzania
  • Autumn mission seminars planned for southeast Asia
  • Indo-pioneers facing challenges in remote areas
  • GNN economy development to enable future tasks
  • Wisdom and guidance for implementation